The Party Wall Act 1996 was put in place to make provision in respect of party walls, and excavation and construction in proximity to certain buildings or structures; and for connected purposes. The Act affects extensions & alterations to existing buildings and new builds.
If you are building within 6m of your neighbours building or are doing structural alterations to your flat or apartment, then the Party Wall Act 1996 may apply. The Party Wall Act 1996 is there to provide a legal framework of protection for you against claims of damage during and after the work you intend to carry out.
We can advise you on your statutory obligations within the Act, whether it applies to your project and act on your behalf with statutory notices, contact us here or ring us on 01684 342025 for more details.
If your neighbour is extending or altering their property then the Part Wall Act may apply.
For example, if you live in a flat or apartment and your neighbour is doing some building work and altering structural walls or modifying the ceiling or floor then the Party Wall Act 1996 likely applies; similarly, if your neighbour is building an extension within 6m of your property the Party Wall Act 1996 may apply.
You may have received a letter regarding a Party Wall Award from your neighbour and wish to appoint your own Party Wall Surveyor, we can advise on the implications of this and act on your behalf. If the Party Wall Act 1996 applies to the project and you wish for us to act on your behalf, then all costs are born by the building owner carrying out the work. Please contact us here or ring us on 01684 342025 for more details.
Has your neighbour started building within 6m of your property and you haven’t been received any correspondence from them mentioning the Party Wall Act or a Part Wall Award, then they may be in breach of the Act. If so, please contact us here or ring us on 01684 342025 for more details.
A Party wall is a wall which sits between two adjoining owner’s properties built on the line of junction, walls dividing semi-detached and terraced houses, a wall built exclusively on the property of one owner.
A Party Wall Surveyor’s roles and duties are to settle disputes under the Party Wall Act 1996. A Party Wall Surveyors duties are to the Act rather than the individual; therefore we act impartially and without influence. Surveyors have statutory duties with the terms set out in the Act.
As an Associate Member of the Institute of Party Wall Surveyors (IPWS) Delta Vector Engineering will advise in any Party Walls matters as per the legislation and instruction to be carried out in accordance with the Act.
If you would like to get in touch to discuss your requirements, please contact us on